Personal Assistant App for Android - Alice

Written By rajilaminu on Wednesday 9 May 2012 | 04:04

An personal Assistane App for Android is called Alice, is  similar to Siri, Alice can assist you to do things quick and easy. Alice currently supports German and English languages. It requires Google voice search in mobile to work. You just say to Alice she will hear you and work accordingly. For ex. if you want to call Peter just open Alice and say “Call Peter”, she will call Peter for you. You can call, message, email, launch app, email, translate, search web, inquire about web, etc. using Alice.

Currently Alice supports following functions:
  • Call: Say for example: “Call John”
  • Write a message : Say for example: “Write John a message how are you” or say: “Tell John I’m coming later”
  • App Launcher: Say for example: “launch camera” or “start market”
  • Email: Say for example: “email to john”
  • Translator: Alice can translate for you into over 50 languages. Say for example: “Translate into german where is the next station”
  • Weather inquiry: Ask Alice for weather. Say for example: “how’s the weather in new york”
  • Websearch: Alice can now search the web. Say for example “search for pizzeria in new york” or “google pizzeria in new york”
  • Torch on / off: Say for example “turn on the light”
  • Alice also supports wired- and Bluetooth Headsets


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